Friday, 13 April 2007

Greetings from the east coast!

Well it's been a while since I've had a spare moment to grab the laptop and get onto the blog, but here I am at long last!

That's right, I'm in Halifax. The conference is now over, and I'm heading back west tomorrow. Can't wait to see Hubs...we're so ridiculous and sucky, these three days have been pretty hard! Especially since I have this absolutely beautiful king sized bed all to myself. Not that our new queen bed at home ain't lovely, it is - I can't wait to get back to it - but there's just something about a king, eh? I'm so starfishing every night (ya know, when you spread all your limbs in opposite directions and vaguely resemble a starfish? Glad we cleared that up). And you have no idea how excited I am to sleep in tomorrow.

All in all it's been a great few days out here. The conference has been good, the weather was beautiful until today, I got to have a lovely drink or two (maybe three for me, who's kidding who) with Ginelle and Kerri from WB (hi gals!!), I had dinner tonight with my old work colleagues who are based out of Halifax and who I love and respect the hell out of, got caught up with friends I've made over the years but really only see at conferences, and the best news of all - I haven't ovulated yet!!

I know that sounds really silly to celebrate that, especially since it's something I've been trying to do for soooo long, but now I know for sure that we haven't missed our shot this cycle, the one thing I was worried about before I even left home. Big relief. Big. HUGE!

So that's the good news. The bad news is that I'm getting sick. So not fair, I swear. I blame the stupid recycled air on the plane and in the hotel conference rooms. Wave a bug anywhere near my mucous membranes and I'm for sure coming down with something. I hate it. It sucks.

I bought the last pack of Cold FX from the hotel store and have been religiously shoving it down my gullet. I've been trying to get a good amount of sleep and yes, have ducked out of a session to come up for a nap if I was just feeling too crappy. I think it's saved me so far, and I'd rather miss one session and fight this as best I can than be there, then miss a few days of work next week as this foul plague takes hold in my head.

As it is, I'm so dizzy I look like I've been on quite the bender as I walk down the halls of the hotel. I'm guessing said plague has taken up residence in my ears to totally fuck with my balance - not cool plague, not cool. Rest assured this diva will be downing Advil Cold and Sinus before her plane trip home tomorrow.

That's pretty much the report from around here. But man, did I really miss out on some excitement on WB! I've checked in from time to time (of course - can't just go cold turkey) and have been amazed at the drama that's unfolded. Here's the detes:

Bride on WB receives her wedding invitations she's ordered in the mail and they're crap. Wrong colours, falling apart, you name it, it was wrong. And they need to go in the mail - NOW - to be out in time for her upcoming wedding.

And here's why I love WB and simply can't leave even though I'm 10 months past my expiration date as a bride. Ellabella, a bride to be herself, says hey - if a bunch of us all make you an invitation or two and mail them to you, you can save the time, energy and money (all of which were in short supply) of buying/making new ones.

Little did she know her idea would snowball into an incredible outpouring of kindness - and invitations! The first post was made on Wednesday, and by now well more than the 50 invites she needs for her guests are already winging their way to her home from other brides/wives living all over the country - some even in the States!

At first she protested, said she couldn't ask everyone to do something like that, but it was really sweet to offer. Well, you know us girls - we never take no for an answer. So Ellabella gathered all the info, passed it along to the crafty gals in the bunch (uh yeah - I counted myself out of this one - I'm crap at this stuff I know now), and man oh man the response has been absolutely incredible.

It sounds pouffy, but I'm really proud to be part of that fantastic community. I may not have been able to contribute anything to this particular mission, but watching it unfold around me and seeing so many complete strangers rushing to another's aide kinda boggles the mind and makes me feel all squishy inside at the same time. Simply put - chicks rule.

And it's gone beyond our little world - City TV even picked it up. Amazing. Love it. Kudos, chickies. It's about time the outside world got to see what a great group of people have congregated in our little corner of the internet.

Hmmm...wonder if there'll be an influx of new gals to the place? That'd be okay. There's always room for one more...especially if she gets hooked on my blog. :)

Hope you've all survived this Friday the 13th, and have a wonderful weekend! I'm home tomorrow so we should be returning to our regularly scheduled blogging schedule at that time. I heard you breathe that sigh of relief.

And that's your daily dash. How's your diva doin'?

5 comments on "Greetings from the east coast!"

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

Glad to hear your trip was enjoyable and your eggies are waiting to show themselves when you get back home!

Even the weather sounds like it cooperated for you....not so much here in Ontario!

Bring it back with ya, will ya???

Anonymous said...

HI Diva - Thanks for updating me on the invitations story. I have been on WB (okay BB) everyday and totally missed it. Wow! What a great group of people!
I hope your eggy arrives just after you do home to hubs. Have a safe trip and feel better soon.

Christy on 14 April 2007 at 14:22 said...

It was really crazy everything with the invites, really heart warming (and DH wonders why I am still on the WB after all this time). I missed it too though, because we were in Vegas, and had to catch up. But now I feel better that I wasn't the only one ;)

Safe trip home.

Anonymous said...

ellabella here ladies! I have to admit I am a frequent blog reader, but not a commenter so just wanted to say hi! :)

I am blown away at the awesomeness of WBer's yowza..

and wanted to add that I am so jealous that you got to go to hali! :( I miss the east coast terribly.

Anonymous said...

Delayed comment as I'm just now catching up on the last week or so of your blog! Just wanted to say it was great to meet you & I had lots of fun. Anytime you're in Hali.... let me know!





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