Sunday, 28 January 2007

Just another snowy Sunday.

Today was delightfully non eventful. I'm quite thankful for that, actually. An all around decompressing day is nothing to shake one's head at. And the fact that the only time I left the house today was to put a load of laundry in the dryer rocks, as far as I'm concerned.

It was much more a Suzie Homemaker than diva day, but that's life - as I've learned, the place won't clean itself. I've waited and waited and waited and nope, never happens. So I broke down, hauled out the vacuum and attacked the dust elephants that lurked in every corner and beyond. I even moved the furniture out from the walls - gasp! - and got rid of that creepy dust that lurks there for years. Goodie.

DeeDee and I baked cookies (don't faint or have a heart attack - they were the Pillsbury Valentine's Day ones, pre-cut and everything. We just had to put them on the freakin tray) they we watched My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Such a pain to have to censor oneself when choosing movies because there will be children present. Bugger.

But it turned out to be a pretty decent movie. Some great one liners, Luke Wilson who I often enjoy, and it's set in NYC, so I got my fix of my favourite city on earth. Ah someday my pretty...I'll be back to frolic in you soon.

The rest of the day was laundry, more laundry, more cleaning, uploading photos for our free honeymoon photo book (love me the free!), and catching the crap of the crap of Sunday night tv. Studio 60 excluded of course - a fantastic show. I'd always dreamed of being a Saturday Night Live regular one day, making people laugh on a weekly basis, living the life in aforementioned NYC, so I totally dig this show.

Yeah, so that hasn't happened and at this stage, and sure doesn't look like it's around the corner, so I've kinda moved on. Or tried to at least. I've done my five years of Second City improv courses, did a show, and that did a pretty decent job of getting the whole thing out of my system. Until Studio 60 came along. Brought all those feelings to the surface yet again. Damned, stinkin television.

Wait, what am I saying? Cursing television? Travesty! Mamma's sorry, my precious. She didn't mean it, you know she loves you. There, there. That's better.

Okay, breathe. Aaaaaand, I'm over it.

So that was pretty much my day. I feel as though I've let you down - there's not much meat on today's blog bones, that's for sure. I apologize - I'll do my best to make it up to you tomorrow. It's Monday after all. Bound to be rife with all sorts of excitement. Yeah, right.

And that's your daily dash. How's your diva doin'?

3 comments on "Just another snowy Sunday."

Tiffydoodle on 29 January 2007 at 06:17 said...

Well your sunday was much more productive than mine. My laundry consisted of throwing one hear me ONE load into the dryer, yes im lazy!!
But it was a good lazy day, just what I needed before being thrown back into a new week!!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean it'll never clean itself? I'm stiiiiiiiillllllll waiting for it to do so....isn't cleaning such a pain in the bum? Props to you for getting it done, especially hauling out furniture and stuff, blech, I'm afraid to even look behind my couch!!

Have a good one!

LeeLee (from WB)

Anonymous said...

Divajen - - regardless of how mundane your day may seem to be your descriptions are funny (when you want them to be of course) and makes me laugh. I enjoy checking in from time to time to see what La Diva is up to. Love the quick wit and sassy-ness of it all :) Keep it up!




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